The Birds of Harris Township Park (at Brummitt Road)

Laura Fuderer, Conservation Chair of the South Bend - Elkhart Audubon Society, has been keeping track of the birds frequenting Harris Township Park. Here is the list of birds spotted at Harris Township Park at Brummitt Road:

  1. Canada Goose

  2. Wood Duck (a pair)

  3. Mallard

  4. Turkey

  5. Red-tailed Hawk

  6. Killdeer (confirmed nesting)

  7. Gull species (Ring-billed?)

  8. Mourning Dove

  9. Northern Flicker

  10. Eastern Kingbird

  11. Blue Jay

  12. American Crow

  13. American Robin

  14. European Starling

  15. Chipping Sparrow

  16. Song Sparrow

  17. Northern Cardinal

  18. Red-winged Blackbird

  19. Common Grackle

  20. House Finch

  21. Cedar Waxwing

  22. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

  23. Eastern Towhee

  24. Bluebird (breeding)

  25. House Sparrow

  26. Baltimore Oriole (breeding)

  27. Gray Catbird

  28. Brown-headed Cowbird

  29. Green Heron

  30. Horned Larks

  31. Barn Swallows




100 Trees Planted at Harris Township Park